

The farmhouse was built in 1750 for 3 families who had the task of managing the crops of the surrounding land.

It rises among Etruscan ruins, in fact, the surrounding countryside was part of the state of the Etruscans of Volterra and from 1700 of the Barons of Casaglia. It is inside its wood that in 1932 a tomb dating back to a powerful Etruscan family was found. This tomb is now located in the archaeological museum of Cecina. For this reason, today, part of the surrounding forest is bound by cultural heritage.

After World War II, the house remained “uninhabited” until it was purchased in 2008 by the Giardini family and was conservatively restored to maintain the authenticity of the structure and the materials used.

This ancient farm with its 360 degree view of the Tuscan countryside offers the possibility of exclusive rental for ceremonies and events or even just the possibility of staying overnight.

This farm offers a variety of 6 apartments combined with a relaxing swimming pool and pleasant views over the Tuscan hills. The 100 hectares of cultivated land create a private and peaceful atmosphere. Podere Calvaiola is the perfect place to relax and create memories among the surrounding beauties.